Various downloads

Various data is available for

Various data such as catalogs of high stiffness reducers can be downloaded from the following.
Note that your personal information will be required.

Performance Table

Performance table of high stiffness reducer

Dimensional diagram

Dimensional table of high stiffness reducer
Dimensional diagram of high stiffness reducer

CAD data

Frame Size2D (PDF)2D (DXF)3D (STEP)
005<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:896/ target="_blank">PDF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:899/ target="_blank">DXF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:902/ target="_blank">3D
020<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:897/ target="_blank">PDF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:900/ target="_blank">DXF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:903/ target="_blank">3D
030<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:898/ target="_blank">PDF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:901/ target="_blank">DXF<a class="btn-dl" href="http://mrc-download:904/ target="_blank">3D

PDF catalog

Click the cover to go to the download page.
Note that your personal information will be required.

High Stiffness Reducer Catalog

PDF instruction manual

Click the cover to go to the download page.
Note that your personal information will be required.

High Stiffness Reducer Instruction Manual